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Save $500 On A Bellafill Kit At Timeless Aesthetics, LLC


Bellafill® is an FDA-approved injectable that is suitable for men and women of different skin types. The procedure is safe and effective, and results can last for about 5 years for nasolabial folds (AKA smile lines or “parentheses”) and 12 months for acne scars. The ideal candidate for Bellafill® Cosmetic in Colorado Springs is someone who wants to reduce the appearance of smile lines or wants extra volume in their face so that they can have a more natural and youthful appearance. Bellafill® candidates also must be at least 21 years old and must not have severe allergies. If you fit those criteria, give us a call!

To know whether our injections at Timeless Aesthetics, LLC is suitable for you, book a free consultation appointment with us today.